Monthly Archives: November 2016

The Art Of Hapkido

The martial art known as Hapkido is an art of complete self defense. Those who study it are more than capable of defending themselves in any type of situation, being more than able to apply their confidence and discipline from the art to enhance their lives, protecting themselves and those that they love as well. Hapkido teaches students to use minimal force with any stronger opponent. Contrary to other martial arts, it doesn’t involve strength to execute the techniques. To control the opponent and take him down, […]

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The Basics Of Judo

The martial art style Judo can mean a lot of things to different people. In reality, it is a fun and exciting sport, an art, a discipline, an activity, a way to protect yourself, and quite simply a way of life. Although you may hear many different meanings, the word Judo actually means all of the above and several more. Original founded back in 1882, Judo comes from the feudal Japan fighting system. Upon founding, Judo was a refinement of the martial art jujutsu. Jujutsu is one […]

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Martial Arts Sparring

Sparring is something that all martial arts use. There are numerous sports, such as boxing and wrestling that use sparring as well. It is a very useful technique, helping students become better with their techniques and what they have learned. By practicing with other people, students learn their arts better and become more apt at performing the techniques quickly and efficiently. If you are studying martial arts in a dojo, you’ll find sparring to be very exciting as well as beneficial to your training. The instructors and […]

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An In Depth Look At Muay Thai

Also known around the world as Thai boxing, Muay Thai is an ancient art of self defense that was created and tested in battle by the fearless warriors of ancient Thailand. Today, Muay Thai is used all around the world. The United States Navy SEALs, Thai military, and even the CIA takes full advantage of the devastating and bone crushing techniques this martial art offers. Unlike other martial arts, students of Thai don’t earn belts for their skills and their progression. Instead, their skills are tested in […]

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Martial Arts For Children

These days, martial arts are something that everyone should know. With crime at an all time high, knowing how to defend yourself is essential. For the children, martial arts can mean a lot of things. Even though martial arts is great for adults to know and practice as well, it is also a great way for children to stay in shape and learn how to defend themselves from attackers. Although martial arts can teach children how to defend themselves, it will also teach them self control and […]

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A Look At Kung Fu

The martial art of Kung Fu is an exchange of culture, a type of exercise, and also a way of defending yourself. The art is very popular throughout the world, also being known as Gung Fu, Wu Shu, and even Kuo Shu. It shares some common traits with Karate, such as using both hand and foot techniques. Kung Fu is one of the most popular forms of martial arts – and also one of the oldest. Within Kung Fu, there are several styles and variances, although the […]

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An Introduction To Muay Thai

All across the world, people have heard about it and possibly even witnessed it first hand or on television – the furious punches, bone crushing elbows, lethal and piercing kicks, and the unforgettable knees. Although watching it on television is great, nothing begins to compare to seeing these moves executed live – with thousands of fans cheering the fighters on. This is the wonderful world of Muay Thai kickboxing. Muay Thai is a martial art that is unlike any other, rich in the proud heritage of an […]

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The Many Styles Of Kung Fu

The martial art known as Kung Fu is very old, yet very powerful. There are several different forms involved with Kung Fu, that only add to the power and mystique. Below, we will go over a majority of the different styles and forms that make up Kung Fu. White Crane style The spirit of the White Crane has led to what many martial artists consider to be the most graceful system of Kung Fu. The pattern for the White Crane style was patterned after a crane bird […]

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Street Fighting Uncaged

It’s them against you! Your heart’s racing, your mouth is dry, your hands are sweating and you suddenly realize that this is life or death! The “safe moves” won’t cut it out on the streets… From: Jeff Anderson, President International Society of Close Quarter Combatants Look my friend… I’m not going to waste your time with a bunch of garbage about “why self defense is important” and all that. You should already know that it’s everyone’s right and responsibility to be able to protect themselves and those […]

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Choosing the Best Martial Arts Style

For anyone who wants to learn a martial art, there is a lot to know in regards to the many different styles. Of course there is the question of finding the best martial art, which is a question a lot of people ask With so many martial arts styles to choose from, it can be very complicated to pick one to learn. No matter you may hear or what others have to say, it is quite impossible to name one style of martial arts as the ultimate […]

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